Thursday, March 22, 2012

Idea for a Better Security

I have a crazy idea that might stop viruses from circulating online, but might not ever be implemented or even accepted by the general public and major corporations

Google uses bots to go though the World Wide Web to find links to websites, which is how when you search for a website or video, you can find it.

If these bots can scan a website for keywords, I bet someone out there can make another type of bot that is able to download a file, test it for a virus, and if it is a virus, it has the ability to report it to the website admin saying if you do not take action, it will block the URL at which the virus file is located.

If someone can code that sort of bot, it would be revolutionary to the internet!  No more need for worrying about Trojan viruses and Malware anymore!  People could finally browse the internet in peace.

However, I bet the idea would never take hold and computer security companies like Symantec, McAfee, and AVG would hate the idea since it would mean no one would buy their security suites since everybody would need them anymore and thus, they would lose revenue. 

Also, another problem would be the risk that the bots would mistake normal files with virus files and block websites by mistake and the website owner would be extremely angry at the creator of these bots.  Plus, the bots would need a constantly updating database to tell the bots what are virus files and what are not. 

It is an interesting concept that I think would be the most effective way to get rid of viruses.  It has problems with it, and I do not think it is even possible to code such a bot.

Maybe someone out there in the world can...

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